For help against bouts of diarrhea suffered by dogs or cats, many pet owners are turning to Diar-Relief, a natural medicine from Dr. Goodpet Laboratories.

Diar-Relief is a homeopathic remedy formulated specifically to assist in the treatment and control of diarrhea.

The ingredients and their homeopathic potencies in this product are: Podophyllum peltatum 6x, Aloe socotrina 6x, Cinchona officinalis 6x, Ipecacuanha 6x, Solidago virgaurea 6x, Veratrum album 8x, Colchicum autumnale 8x, Terebinthina oleum 8x, Rheum officinale 8x, Antimonium crudum 10x

Manufacturer: Dr. Goopet

Size: 1 oz.